1. Advertisements must not contravene applicable legislation, ethics and good morals.
2. The subject of the advertisement must not be prohibited or restricted for sale or obtained in violation of the law.
3. The advertisement must provide clear and truthful information about the subject of the offer or enquiry, its condition, price and conditions of sale.
4. The text of the advertisement must be in one of the supported languages and clearly describe the subject of the offer, and must not contain vulgarity or inappropriate words, references to competitors, contact details or information unrelated to the subject of the advertisement.
5. The advertiser is not entitled to insert duplicate advertisements. A duplicate advertisement is an advertisement identical to another advertisement or an advertisement through which the same object of sale or demand is offered.
6. The photographs in the advertisement must relate to the subject of the sale and truthfully depict it. They must not contain logos, watermarks or information that is prohibited in the text of the advertisement.
7. The objects of sale must be owned by the seller
8. Advertisements should be placed in the appropriate category
9. For advertised species of animals or plants subject to CITES, this information must be included in the text of the advertisement.
10. If diseased animals are offered, it is the responsibility of the prospective buyer to inform and state this as accurately as possible in the text of the advertisement
11. The content of the advertisement must not contain advertising, commercial messages and URLs to third party websites.
12. Buyers and sellers shall communicate either by means of comments in the public discussion of advertisements or by private discussion within the shopping cart or order.
13. Listings may not contain links to competing websites or applications, such as classified or auction sites or applications.
14. Advertisers must only provide truthful and proprietary contact information and must not misuse the information of others.
15. The Advertiser is entitled to remove the Advertisement placed by him at any time.
16. If an Advertisement is found that does not comply with the Rules of Use of the Portal, it is rejected. Reasons for rejection can be provided upon request.
If any of these rules are violated or disregarded, the Operator may proceed to delete the advertisements and block the advertiser's user account.
The Website Operator assumes no responsibility for the content and truthfulness of the content posted by the User.